My OB allowed me to be scheduled to be induced at 39 weeks so that we could appropriately plan for the parents to be here. Labor was pretty intense, but made it to 6cm dilation before I requested an epidural. My husband and the IP’s were in the room the entire time. They started Pitocin at 8:30am and by 12:00pm, baby girl made her arrival. OMG!! It was a beautiful moment!!! It’s something about the end of something that makes you reflect on the entirety of the journey. I was so happy but sad at the same time. I was sad that they would be leaving and would be so far away with baby. We got to spend time together before baby was born and while we were in the hospital.  The IP’s got me a smorgasbord of sushi and sashimi, which was the meal that I wanted most post-delivery. I got to hold baby and I was amazed with how beautiful she was. My children and some of my family got to meet the baby while we were in the hospital. After discharge from the hospital, the IP’s and baby came to our house for a meal and so we could spend a little more time with them before they got on the road to head home. We were so happy but sad to see them leave. Since baby’s birth, we have kept in touch with the parents. We rarely go more than 3 days without talking/texting. They update us on baby and how they are doing as a family. Our IP’s got pregnant shortly after I did, so the babies are 10 weeks apart. They now have a baby girl and a baby boy! I don’t think it gets much better than that! They’re hearts our so full and we couldn’t be happier for them! This has been by far one of the best experiences of my life and I’m still in awe of how the journey unfolded. I can’t wait to do surrogacy again!!

By Published On: March 5th, 2024Categories: UncategorizedComments Off on Delivery & Post-Birth!

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